A CLYDEBANK man sent more than 700 emails in four days as part of his revenge porn campaign against his ex.

Robert Luke made fake Instagram and TikTok accounts to share his ex-partner's intimate pictures and videos and invited her family members to watch.

The procurator fiscal told Dumbarton Sheriff Court on May 7 that the couple met online in 2021.

The woman ended the relationship in November 2021, and that was the start of Luke's relentless contact with her.

He sent her a WhatsApp message two days later stating: "I have all this on you. If you don't get back, you'll see what I do."

The woman blocked him, however, and that led him to make multiple email accounts to send messages to her.

The 40-year-old also sent messages to different members of her family apologising for his behaviour towards his ex - all of which were ignored.

On November 20, he made multiple accounts on Instagram in her name and uploaded numerous sexual images.

He later sent invite links to her family to view the account.

The emails sent to the victim started off as requests to get back together but soon switched to a darker tone giving her a set amount of time to respond before intimate images of her would be leaked.

She went to her local police station for the first time on December 9.

On December 19 he sent a threatening email which said: "I want you dead but I want your kids to see it happening."

Then minutes later another read: "You did this to me, so my wish is so bad on you. I hope they see everything that happens and I hope you don't survive."

And on January 10, he sent an email with an attached recording clip of the pair on a video call performing sexual acts.

Later that day a video of her topless in bed with him was sent in another email stating: "This one's popular on Facebook. There is some sick people you know."

Four days later, he emailed her another topless picture of herself but this time it had the words "rape her and get a reward" along with her address written on it.

The woman attended the police station again on January 19 to raise her concerns.

The fiscal depute told the court that Luke sent 700 emails between January 22 and 26, 2022.

He was arrested on March 12, 2023, and taken to Clydebank police station.

Luke, of Hood Street, pleaded guilty to repeatedly sending her unwanted messages and emails, uttering threatening remarks and threatening to disclose intimate images of her to her family on social media.

He admitted to making a false social media profile in her name, posting intimate images of her, disclosing them to three different family members and making threats to disclose her home address on social media with intimate images of her offering unknown people money to rape or hurt her.

Court papers also state that he intentionally caused a child under the age of 16 to look at a sexual image.

Solicitor Judith Reid explained that Luke - who had kept his head down whilst in the dock for most of the hearing - suffered a tragic family loss after the relationship ended.

She said: "There is a complicated history. He suffers from PTSD. He is engaging with a number of agencies."

Sheriff James Spy deferred sentencing until June 26 for social work background reports to be prepared.

He told Luke: "All options remain open to the court at the date of sentence."